As a non-profit organization, we rely on our donors to help support our projects and initiatives. Not only do your donations support an incredible natural resource, they’re also 100 percent tax deductible.
How to Give
Become a member
As a member you’ll get updates on our work, receive and email newsletter, be eligible to run for the board, and you’ll receive a discounts from corporate members:
Download our membership form (PDF).
Make a general donation
When you make a general donation, you allow us use it where it can make the greatest impact. It allows us to be more flexible to respond to major events, like our historic flood, and to find new and creative ways to improve the forest.
Become a corporate sponsor
Corporate sponsors are a key partner in helping to raise awareness about the forest. As a corporate sponsor, you’ll be featured on our website, get a window cling for your store, and a letter of thanks verifying your sponsorship.
Contact us to become a corporate sponsor.
Leave a memorial or tribute
What better way to honor a loved one’s life than to create a memorial in a place they enjoyed. We welcome any ideas for memorial projects, but we’re also happy to work with you to find a meaningful project to honor your loved one and benefit the forest.
Contact us to talk about your memorial or tribute.
Leave a legacy
When you leave a bequest in your will to the Friends of Harbison Forest, you’ll be ensuring future generations will be able to enjoy the forest as much as you have. Talk with your will attorney today to find out how you can leave your mark on the forest.